Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Grilled Salmon with Arugula, Orange and Fennel Salad

There are a few things you need to know about salmon. One, never buy salmon from a fish farm! You don't even want to know what they feed them...yuck! Always buy wild-caught salmon. Two, slice off the skin before grilling and lastly it is important to remove the salmon before they are completely cooked, because they will continue to cook once removed.  You can check to see if they are done if they are slightly pink on the inside and flaky. Serves 4

Vinaigrette Ingredients:
1/4 cup shallots, minced
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 1/2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 tablespoon ground mustard
1/2 tablespoon honey
Salt and pepper, to taste

Salad Ingredients:
2 large oranges, peel and segment
5 cups (5oz) arugula
1 fennel bulb, cored, quartered and thinly sliced

4 6oz salmon
vegetable oil for grilling
salt and pepper, to taste


Vinaigrette Dressing:
In a medium bowl whisk together all the ingredients and season with salt and pepper, to taste.

In a large serving bowl add the arugula, orange segments and thinly sliced fennel. Drizzle on the vinaigrette and toss to coat. Taste and adjust seasoning, if needed.

Lightly coat your grill or stove top grill pan with vegetable oil.  Preheat over medium heat. Pat salmon dry with a paper towel and season with salt and pepper.  Place on the grill top side down and DO NOT FLIP until the salmon releases easily from the grill, about 3-4 minutes. Using a fish spatula carefully flip and cook an additional 2-3 minutes.  Internal temperature should reach 135F.

To serve:
Transfer salmon to the top of the salad and drizzle any unused vinaigrette on top. Serve immediately. Yum Yum.

Items you could use to make this recipe.

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